Entering beneficiary bank information

The third step in creating a new beneficiary is to enter their banking information.

Note: If the beneficiary's only method of payment is DRAFT, you are not required to enter any banking details. In that case, you can proceed to the section Entering additional beneficiary information.

There are three ways to add the bank information for the beneficiary:

  • If the bank is located in a country that requires an IBAN (International Bank Account Number), you can enter it in the IBAN VALIDATOR section. If the IBAN you enter is correct, the corresponding bank's details are displayed. When you click CONFIRM to indicate that this is the correct bank, the BANK DETAILS section is automatically populated with those details.
  • You can use the BANK SEARCH feature to locate the bank. When you select the beneficiary's bank, the BANK DETAILS fields are automatically populated. In that case, you only need to enter the beneficiary's account number.
  • If you know all of the banking information, you can enter the details manually in the BANK DETAILS section.

Once you have completed the fields on the Bank Account Information page, click SAVE & CONTINUE to move to the next step in the process, Entering additional beneficiary information.